Unique experiences
Utstein is a protected cultural environment. You cannot freely roam around the farm, which consists of fields, cultivated pasture and crop lands. Animals are grazing here year-round. Klostergarden accepts groups of visitors by appointment, and also offers tailored activities and experiences. Below you can read about a few of the things you can experience at Utstein through Klostergarden.
Welcome to historical Utstein!
Photo: Anita Hamremoen for the magazine FEELGOOD, 1st edition, 2021.
Photo: Klostergarden / Anne Lise Norheim
Klostergarden offers guided tours of the farm for smaller groups on special occasions. This involves a walk through this unique, historical cultural landscape, and the family will tell you about Utstein and its history, the generations, cultural monuments and the pasture conditions. There are grazing lambs/sheep, free-range pigs and cattle all year. We can also offer a pure cattle safari, hike of lambs or tour de pigs. Tours start and end at the farm shop, which is located in an old boat house just below Utstein Monastery. The boat house is from approx. 1850 and has a completely unique atmosphere. Price upon request.
The Old House is in a sheltered location at Klostervågen bay.
Photo: Klostergarden
Utstein and the surrounding area are unparalleled in a Norwegian context, and there are several opportunities for accommodation. At Utstein, we rent out a charming old house with a view of Klostervågen bay. The closest neighbour is Utstein Monastery. Comfort, simplicity, but most of all, peace and calm, are what you get if you rent from us – apart from the sound of the ocean and farm activities, of course. Our rental property is beautifully situated down by the sea in this historical place. This was previously the site of a small village store and rural sub-post office. The house faces the south and has an adorable attached garden. The entire house and garden will be at your disposal. The middle section of the house is from the early 1800s, and the house was renovated around 2010. The property sleeps 7/8 people. See airbnb for more information about the house, prices and booking.
The farm shop features unique products from Utstein Gard and other producers in the culinary region.
Photo: Mat fra Norge / Mette Møller
The farm shop at Utstein is located in the store-house just below Utstein Monastery. The restoration of the store-house was supported by the Norwegian Cultural Heritage Fund, the Directorate of Cultural Heritage, Innovation Norway, the Inge Steensland Foundation, Rogaland County Authority and the former Rennesøy Municipality (now part of Stavanger Municipality). The boat house restoration was completed in autumn 2017 and was officially opened by then-Minister of Agriculture and Food Jon Georg Dale in 2018. In 2019, the boat house was nominated for the EU Mies Award – a European award for contemporary architecture. Examples of things you can purchase at the farm shop include cured leg of mutton (lamb), cured sheep ribs, cured meats, fur rugs, wool products, books, puzzles, design products, art, as well as local food and drink. We accept debit and credit cards or vipps (mobile payment app). Parking is available at the public parking lot close to Utstein Monastery. Entry to the farm shop is free. The view of the beautiful cultural landscape out here is a bonus. We will invoice for opening the farm store for groups outside ordinary business hours. Opening hours can be found on google.
Meetings and food with a side of history in unique surroundings
Photo: Klostergarden
We do sometimes welcome board meetings or management groups for dinner at the farm shop at Utstein. In such cases, the board could, for example, arrive by boat at the public docks at Utstein Kloster Hotel and walk to Utstein Monastery and the farm store, or you can be driven from door to door. Catering personnel from the best restaurants in the region will be ready to serve you the most exquisite dishes featuring untravelled and local food and drink. The family will tell the story of the farm and the food you are served. After dinner, you can stroll back to the boat or bus. Price upon request.
FARM-TO-TABLE featuring winner of the Bocuse d’Or 2003, Charles Tjessem, at the farm store during the Gladmat festival in 2019.
Take a breather from the daily grind in a unique cultural landscape and enjoy food with a side of history prepared by one of the world’s premier chefs. In collaboration with chefs and Gyda farm, we offer untravelled, local, farm-to-table food featuring a glimpse into the farmer’s own story. Legendary and distinctive potatoes from Gydas Jordepler, Klostergarden’s own vegetable garden with more than thirty varieties provided by our good neighbour Martin Finnesand, and quality meats from our own farm. These ingredients, combined with the chefs’ knowledge, craft and sense of flavour will set the stage for a special and memorable evening. The event takes place in our farm shop. We can schedule roundtrip transportation by boat or bus from downtown Stavanger to Utstein. Prices are agreed in advance of each event.
Row to the wedding festivities
Photo: Ole Harestad / Finnesand
We have an old, restored Nordland boat (building teqchnique from Northern Norway) at Klostergarden, something special we can offer newlyweds – they can row from their wedding ceremony to their celebration, or perhaps just to take unique wedding photos. It’s also a nice touch for confirmation photos, or other special occasions. The rowboat is available for rent so the newlyweds can row themselves, or we can also offer one of the local coastal farmers to row the couple. Weather restrictions apply for safety reasons. The boat can either be rowed from our private dock below Utstein Monastery or from some other agreed location to, for example the hotel, where the wedding guests wait on the dock. This sets the tone for a very special day. Price upon request.
Where the ocean meets the sky.
Photo: Klostergarden
Klostergarden can offer reception events in the farm store just below Utstein Monastery in connection with weddings or other gatherings/conferences at Utstein Monastery or Utstein Kloster Hotel. For example, wedding guests can enjoy a glass of Klostercider or champagne and hors d’oeuvres while photographs are taken in the monastery garden. The farm shop has a very unique atmosphere. In 2019, the building was nominated for the EU Mies Award – a European award for contemporary architecture. Events can take place outdoors on the private dock, weather permitting. Price upon request.
Photo: Anne Lise Norheim
Wedding pictures and photo/video from UTSTEIN
There are so many gorgeous motifs at Utstein Farm. It is such a treat for couples and confirmands to have unique photos from the cultural landscape at Utstein to commemorate their special day. Some people also want to film videos at the farm or film the cultural landscape with a drone. Advance approval from the landowner is required. You or the photographer can contact the farm to set up an agreement. Price upon request.
Kayak trip in historical surroundings in a protected cultural environment.
Photo: Pål Refvem
KAYAKing in historical settings
Klostergarden has fully equipped kayaks for adults (five people) and children (two people) for rent. This equipment can be reserved in advanced to guarantee availability, or can be rented on site from the farm shop at Utstein. The waters in Klostervågen bay are calm and protected from wind and waves. The waters outside Fjøløysundet sound are open sea with more challenging conditions. The kayaks can be rented without a guide, or routes can be arranged from Utstein Gard with guides who can tell you about the farm and the history of the place. Animals graze on this land year-round, and the grazing animals can be seen from the sea around Utstein. Klostergarden also offers picnic baskets with local food and beverage that you can take with you, or we can have your basket ready and waiting for you – just tell us where you want to stop for a break. Renters themselves are responsible for safety when using the kayaks. Price upon request.
Excursion to one of our islets.
Photo: Mathies Ekelund Erlandsen
We can take small groups on excursions from island to island in rowboats or other small boats. Guides from Utstein Gard can tell you about the farm and local history on your way to and from the islets that are part of the farm. Animals graze on this land year-round, and the grazing animals can be seen from the sea around Utstein. Klostergarden also offers picnic baskets with local food and beverage that you can take with you, or we can have your basket ready and waiting for you – just tell us where you want to stop for a break. Renters themselves are responsible for safety in connection with any voyages on the sea, life jackets must be used. The waters in Klostervågen bay are calm and protected from wind and waves. The waters outside Fjøløysundet sound are open sea with more challenging conditions. Price upon request.
Lunch basket for a company for whom we organised a tour of Utstein and an excursion to Fjøløy Fort.
Photo: Klostergarden
Picnic baskets
Klostergarden offers picnic baskets featuring local products, coffee and apple juice when you visit Utstein – a regular feature on Saturdays and otherwise upon request. If you would like to purchase such a picnic basket to bring along on your trek on Fjøløy, or simply to sit and enjoy the quiet in our outdoor seating area outside the farm shop at Utstein, you can place your order by 12:00 noon every Friday in the summer season. Let us know the number of guests and any allergies. Your basket can be ready for pick-up between 12:00 and 15:00 in the farm shop. We also offer picnic baskets for anyone renting kayaks or rowboats from us, plus our island-hopping guests. Price: NOK 305,- per person.
Challenge your team – both mentally and physically. This is from a cultural school production in 2019, using a tailormade Fuelbox and Trolljegerprøve (troll hunter test).
Photo: Klostergarden
TEAMBUILDING and activities at utstein/fjøløy
Klostergarden can organise teambuilding activities for companies or special occasions in the local area. We are experienced when it comes to productions and events where different producers and suppliers are involved and linked in a theme for the day. One of the things we have developed is our own Fuelbox concept with associated activities at Utstein and Fjøløy, in cooperation with various contributors. Fuelbox events are sold for NOK 799,- each. We also rent this to companies and fuelguide them. Price for activities upon request.
Wine course in unique surroundings.
Photo: Mat fra Norge / Mette Møller
How about a wine course led by expert wine connoisseurs in the farm shop at Klostergarden? Our own farmer also have wine and spirit eduction and can conduct wine courses. Our wine courses offer basic knowledge about wine terminology, wine production, descriptions of quality and style, and an introduction to wine tasting. The courses are held in unique surroundings in our restored boat house, or outside, dependent of season and weather. Price upon request.
Photo: Klostergarden
Foraging course
We collaborate with Kristine Enger, who runs the blog Sankeliv (the life of a forager) which promotes courses and foraging excursions for chefs and other foodies. She will show you what can be found growing in the wild, including both edible and healthful greens and herbs on Fjøløy, Utstein or our islets. The knowledge an be used to forage elsewhere. Fetch some inspiration and explore the wild growing things you can find in nature, and use them for food in good, simple recipes. Perhaps there might be some exciting new products or meals featuring the plants you learn about? Price upon request.
Photo: Klostergarden
fireside chat
A good conversation often flows naturally around a fire at the seaside. There’s just something special about the experience of sitting around a crackling fire, sharing stories, reflecting, talking together, or just relaxing in silence – whether in a private or work context. We can offer groups the opportunity to gather around a fire certain places here at Utstein. We can also deliver baskets or boxes with cured meats, juices and other goodies you can enjoy around the fire place. Price upon request.
One of our earth ovens used to prepare food.
Photo: Klostergarden
Earth ovens are an age-old cooking method we use where the meat or seafood is cooked in a pit in the ground. Our earth ovens are made from stone in the ground. With a controlled wood fire, the meat or seafood is placed in the oven and covered by turf. Our guests can take part in the entire cooking process or arrive to enjoy a fully cooked meal, the ancient way. This concept is offered in collaboration with a guest chef who is responsible for food safety and side dishes based on farm-to-table and local foods. Price upon request.
Trip to Kvitsøy and Restaurant Grøningen with a magnificent boat from Kvitsøy Event. Photo: Klostergarden
We can recommend that our visitors take a trip by boat to other nearby islands, such as Kvitsøy, Brimse and Flor & Fjære (botanical and culinary experiences). Here you can book restaurant experiences and tours in cooperation with providers and farmers on the islands. Easy departure/arrival at Utstein and voyages in accordance with agreed timetables.
Plastic clean-up on cultivated pasture at Utstein
Photo: Klostergarden
Utstein is blessed with beautiful nature, but quite a bit of plastic washes up from the ocean or is left by visitors from sea who don’t clean up after themselves. This is why Klostergarden receives help from the local school and has an agreement with volunteer organisations to clean up plastics on Klosterøy. If you’re interested in being part of plastic clean-ups at Utstein, you can contact Klostergarden. This is also a great teambuilding activity with a purpose. Price upon request.
The Utstein cultural environment is a magnificent cultural landscape shaped by humans and animals for generation after generation. This requires painstaking maintenance of the cultural landscape. It’s particularly important to eradicate weeds that the animals don’t graze on. We hunt thistles from April to the end of summer with hoes and maps of the area. It’s almost like meditation, hand-in-hand with important land rehabilitation. If you want to take part in this thistle hunt at Utstein, you can contact Klostergarden. This is also a great teambuilding activity with a purpose. Price upon request.
Photo: Thor Eirik Gilje, Rygene Detektorklubb
Metal detecting
There are rules for using a metal detector at Utstein, which is a protected cultural environment. Advance approval from the landowner is required. We cooperate with Rygene Detektorklubb, who search and detect on our fields and cultivated pastures. They give their finds to Rogaland County Authority/Museum of Archaeology. We have plans to create an exhibition of finds made on our land, including from the Viking Age.