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Norwegian Supper Club

  • Klostergarden 802 Mosterøyveien Mosterøy, Rogaland, 4156 Norway (kart)

Amazing for Klostergarden to be hand-picked by Sven Erik Renaa to be part of such an exclusive and unique experience as the Norwegian Supper Club.

Three award-winning chefs, three breathtaking locations, three unique experiences combining food, nature, and architecture to create an extraordinary atmosphere unprecedented in Scandinavia. The Norwegian Supper Club is a partnership between Visit Norway, Foundation Gastronomy Norway (Bocuse d'Or Norge) and some of the best chefs in the country; Jimmy Øyen from REST., Heidi Bjerkan from CREDO and Sven Erik from RENAA. View the film below and Visit Norway’s web site linked below and you will find everything you need to know about the Norwegian Supper Club.



VisitLaagen #LaagenHub Stokkøya Strandhotell og Strandbaren

The guests will be accommodated at Utstein Kloster.

Photo: Diinesh

Welcome to historic Utstein!

#lamb #beefcattle #freerangepigs #klosterlam #farmshop #puresilence #culturallandscape #nationalprotectedculturalenvironment #utstein #utsteinfarm #ourfarm #familyfarm #utsteinlove #klostergarden #slowexperiences #visitutstein #sustainability #sustsinablefoodproduction #foodregion #foodregionofNorway #foodmanifesto #hanen Matregionen Matregion Rogaland Regionalt matmanifest for Rogaland HANEN VisitUtstein Spesialitet Visit Region Stavanger Stavanger kommune Kulturminnefondet #spesiality

Tidligere arrangement: 23. oktober
Juleåpent i gardsutsalget på Utstein
Senere arrangement: 15. oktober
Åpent i gardsutsalget på Utstein